Playing games is fun. That is the entire idea behind them. But did you know that there are benefits of playing games for couples? Puzzles and online games can be so much more than a simple way to pass the time. Here are some of the most important things to know and reasons to play puzzles for couples. 

All About Playing Games

Puzzle games have been around for a while. And the popularity of these board games just shows that they are here to stay. Heck, jigsaw puzzles became popular in the eighteen century. The first ones were made of hardwood, and the idea behind them was to teach geography. Each piece of the puzzle was cut along the border, and it allowed for easier learning. 


Cardboard puzzles were introduced in the late 1800s, and they weren’t nearly as popular. Slowly but surely, however, manufacturers switched to the “new”

Be it to pass away leisure, or to settle an argument, board games have been around since time immemorial. It is difficult to accurately pinpoint the origin of any particular board game, simply because men developed most of them as a means of pleasure. As they gained popularity, the rules were modified, which led to the modern versions of the games. While some board games simulate a real-world situation, like a war ground, some simply act as an enjoyable pastime with friends indoors, like tic-tac-toe, while a few others, like Scrabble, were invented as a fun way to teach vocabulary to kids.

Of all the available board games, the one that has gained unrivaled popularity with a massive number of fans is the game of chess. Played on a 64 checkered board, proficiency in this two-player game is loosely thought to be a measure of intelligence in an individual.…

We have all played Ludo and Snakes & Ladders as children. These were some of our favorite board games where we spent time rolling a dice to see who was first to be a winner. In the process of growing up, each one of us learned how the original versions of board games are not the same as we play the game today.

Games are liked all over the world by children, men, women, and some games even loved by the priests. Games are a part of every culture and a way of expression, imagination, and interaction with a basic set of rules. Games from the ancient times were played by the royalty and by the peasants and have come a long way tumbling upon all the feelings and philosophies of the people finally passed on to the future generations.

According to the sociologist Emile Durkheim in his famous social …

This here’s our definitive list of the best adult games you can play. We hand-picked these and wanted to include the classics and modern classics, too. Yes, this includes even sex games and games with sexual themes or scenes. Thus, we need to put this little red message at the top for you to read.

Warning: It obviously goes without saying, the ribald content of this saucy article is NSFW (not safe for work), NSFP (not safe for public) and NSFNH (not safe for nana’s house).

Also, if you’re interested in finding out about some of the best adult games on Steam specifically, check out that post once you’re done with this one.

1. Leisure Suit Larry

Let’s start with a classic, and ease our way in from there. You know we had to include this one in a list of the best adult games. Any sex games list, really.…

Few can deny that the games industry is incredibly sexualized – just one look at the armor worn by female characters in Bluehole Studio’s TERA (The Exiled Realm of Arborea) will show you that while everyone love video games in and of themselves, if there’s an element of sexuality attached, the title becomes a lot more popular! Hell, Reddit’s very own NSFW Cosplay community is currently sitting at almost 300,000 subscribers, and that’s not by accident: girls in video games have constantly sported lewd clothing and body shapes that leave us hooked to our screens and begging for more.

Let’s not forget that there are also some titles completely geared toward adult themes. Japanese studios seem to be leading the way in that respect, with titles such as Sexy Beach Zero and Honey Select. Hell, Wikipedia even has an entire list of erotic video games throughout history. So with all …

A jigsaw puzzle is one of the most popular indoor games for kids. You must have spent hours solving these puzzles at childhood, and now your kid also does the same. The interesting fact about the jigsaw puzzle is this is such a game through which kids can learn a lot of things. They can be curious, attentive, focused and able to find a solution by solving such puzzles. Actually, there are different types of puzzles games are played, like Sudoku, word puzzles, and so on. But, jigsaw puzzle has become so much popular throughout all these years. Not only the kids, but this puzzle game has always been quite appealing to the adults also.

Have you ever thought of the origin of jigsaw puzzles? You will be surprised to know that the game was originated in the 18th Century and since then it has never lost its attractiveness. …

Back in June, Valve announced that it was no longer going to police what could and couldn’t appear on Steam, removing games only if they were illegal or “straight-up trolling.” This, we speculated, meant that Valve would be ending its rule disallowing “pornography,” and that appears to be the case.

After adding new filtering tools which allow users to opt into seeing “Nudity or Sexual Content” and “Adult Only Sexual Content” on the Steam store (those are two separate categories), Valve has approved Negligee: Love Stories for release this Friday, a game which was previously held up while those tools were being developed.

Negligee’s Kickstarter page includes censored images of the game’s “adult” scenes, and it’s clear enough what sort of game it is—though Valve still hasn’t removed “pornography” from its list of disallowed media on Steam.

Sexual content is hardly new to Steam. Popular mainstream games such as Mass …

Listen, having a sex routine isn’t bad. But it is important to mix things up every once in awhile to help you learn and explore what you enjoy. Play these games that’ll make you concentrate on the journey, resulting in a final act that’s especially fun.



What You Need: The board game “Twister”

How to Play: It’s the classic you know and love — only with less clothing. Every time somebody falls, they have to remove a layer.

Why: It’s a fun way to show off your flexibility, and who knows — you may discover new positions.



What You Need: A hat (or small jar or bowl), small pieces of paper, and a pen

How to Play: Each of you will write down fantasies you have yet to share with your partner, be it having sex in a certain part of the house …

For a girl who likes to spice things up in the bedroom, we know a few naughty riddles that will instantly get your man in the mood. They’re not only sexy but hilarious at the same time. From subtly getting the hint to tempting him to hop right in bed with you, you must try these cute riddles for your crush/boyfriend/husband at least once.

Ask Him These Seductive Riddles To Get Him In The Mood

Are you ready to give them a shot? Awesome! Here are 15 sex riddles to ask your guy to get him in the mood and make him ROFL. Woo him away with some funny and dirty riddles, tigress!

1. You play with it at night and it vibrates in your hand. What is it?
Answer: A cell phone! What were you thinking, ehh?

2. You’ll find them in different sizes. If it’s chilly

Why we humans play a game? Is it for the challenge, the excitement, and the adventure? Yes, we all look for these emotions while we play the game, but it is fun that is at the core of all these emotions. If you observe closely, we humans always strive to fulfill our fundamental needs of physical, security, social, ego, actualization and growth. If you put game-play in need context, it will almost fit into all basic needs.

It might be your physical requirement, depending on the need of healthy body or for security need as we seek safety, stability to realize the social need like the fulfillment of love, belonging and inclusion through family, friendship or society. Your urge to play the game can help you fulfill your ego needs like power, control, prestige, self-esteem, etc. or simply for the higher-level need of self-actualization or growth need like honesty, independence …